What is crawling in SEO?

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What is crawling in SEO?

The goal of SEO is to classify the complete internet, and they require to perform this efficiently and quickly. The scale and size of the whole internet are huge. Now, you might be thinking that what is the actual number of pages and websites there? Let me clear this, in the year 2008, the platform achieved a milestone of around one trillion websites crawled on it. And at the end of 2013, it consists of around thirty trillion websites. The growth rate is wobbling, and it is no tiny achievement to find out all such sites.

If there is any issue faced by Google in indexing or crawling your page, it would never make its place in the search engine. Learning how Google indexes and crawls every website available is crucial to your efforts for SEO.

Introduction to crawling and web crawler in SEO?

The meaning of crawling is to follow the available links on the given pages and resuming to follow and find links on another page.

The software that performs following to every link on the pages is known as a web crawler, taking a person to a new page, and resumes this method till the duration it has no pages or links to crawl.

There are several names for web crawlers such as SEO bots, spiders, robots, or you can even call them bots. The reason why they are known as robots is that they have a particular task to perform, moving from one link to another, and tracking details of every page. Woefully, if by chance you visualise an authentic robot along with plates of arms and metals, that’s not the one. A web crawler is called Googlebot.

The entire process of crawling requires beginning somewhere. Google utilises a primary seed list of authentic sites that are inclined to link to several other websites. Google also utilises a list of many sites they have viewed in past crawls and even sitemaps capitulated by the owners of the website.

Internet crawling is a regular process for SEO. There is never stopping in this process. This is why it is essential for search engines to discover new site updates or published to previous pages. They don’t need to waste resources and time on sites that aren’t good contenders for search outcomes.

There are a few things Google prioritises and they are:

  • Often updated
  • High and standard quality
  • Famous (linked to frequent)

These are a few things Google prioritises for the crawling of your pages.

Essentiality of crawling for your website

  • Don’t inadvertently block your site from Google.
  • Fix and check issues on your site.
  • Inspect the index of Google, and ensure your site displays the way you wish them to.

This is the time when your SEO begins. If Google could not crawl your site, you would not be categorised in any type of search result.

If by chance your page is stacked with several errors or low-standard pages, Google can receive the impression that the page is almost of no use and put it into junk sites. Hacked pages, CMS settings, or coding errors can transmit Googlebot below a track of low-quality sites. At the time when the low quality exceeds standard-quality pages on site, the rankings of SEO suffer.

Crawling in SEO permits the owner of the website to learn an intense knowledge of the performance of your SEO. It also allows you to fetch and visualise your content with on-page elements of SEO to enhance your rankings. And the most reliable sites are chosen by the SEO and crawling is one of the primary methods to make them understand what every page contains, permitting that page to merge to several search outcomes at once.


The process of crawling is one of the main elements of SEO, this article contains every relevant detail about crawling in SEO. I hope it helped you in every possible way.

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