What Is Broken Link Building?

What Is Contextual Link Building
October 26, 2023
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What Is Broken Link Building?

Broken link building is a search engine optimization (SEO) technique where webmasters find broken or dead links on other websites and replace them with links pointing back to their own site. The goal is to take advantage of broken link building in SEO that are no longer working and redirect that link juice to your website instead. This can help boost your site’s domain authority and rankings in search engines over time.

How to Do Broken Link Building the Right Way

The key is to do broken link building ethically by creating value for the site owners where you find the broken links. Simply replacing links without permission would be considered unethical and could even get your site penalized if found out.

How to Find Broken Links

·         Discovering Broken Links at Scale

The best way to find broken links at scale is to use link discovery tools. Some popular free and paid tools that can help uncover thousands of broken. These tools allow you to plug in domains and crawl their link profiles to surface any 404 errors or links returning “Page Not Found” messages.

How to Replace Them with Your Links

1. Create a Similar Resource

Once you’ve identified a broken link, check if you have content on your site covering a similar topic to what was linked to originally. This allows you to more credibly replace the broken link.

2. Approach Webmasters

Politely contact the webmaster where you found the broken link via email. Explain that you noticed the broken link and have created a similar resource on your site that may benefit their readers. Ask if they’d be open to replacing the broken link with your new one.

3. Find Other Websites

If the original site owner is unresponsive, you can also search for other websites linking to the same broken page and reach out to them as an alternative.

Broken Link Building Outreach Template

Here is a template you can use in your outreach emails:

You can use the following template for your outreach emails:

Subject: Notification of Broken Link – [Page Title]

Hello [Name]

While looking over your website [Website Name], I came across a broken link that led to [Broken Link]. It appears that this webpage is no longer functioning after more research.

I thought you would be curious about replacing it with a link to my post on [Similar Topic] at [Your URL] since it explored [Topic].

I believe your readers would find the [Brief Summary] provided in this article to be a useful substitute.

If you would be willing to update that broken link, please let me know. I’d be pleased to address any more queries.

I am grateful for your thoughtfulness.

You Named It

[Online Store]


Q: Is broken link building still effective in 2023?

A: Indeed, when done correctly, broken link development may still be a successful tactic. Even while search engines are now more intelligent, you may still get link juice by substituting your excellent content with inactive links.

Q: How long does it take to see results from broken link building?

A: Indeed, rankings won’t improve right away. Broken link building is the long-term technique that gives your site link equity from fresh connections, gradually increasing your domain authority as well as the trust over several months. Work to fix broken links consistently as well as the with patience.

Final Thoughts

Broken link building takes time but can deliver sustainable link building in SEO benefits when approached respectfully. The key is to create value for site owners by replacing dead links with similar, helpful resources for their readers. With diligent outreach over many months, broken link building can start to move the needle for your site’s organic visibility.

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