Remove Generic Rich Result Filter from Google Search Console Performance Report

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Remove Generic Rich Result Filter from Google Search Console Performance Report

Google has indeed announced the removal of the generic rich results filer from the Search Console Performance report. This means the user will not be able to see that how aggregate results are performing. However, according to Google, the removal of this filter has many breakouts in it, so it is not a great loss in the reporting.


When is this filter being removed?

According to Google, this will come force from August 1, 2021, from both API and the Google Search Console interface. Google said this is being removed for the long-term benefit as the grouping of rich results is not at all ideal, as every result will come in different behavior.

So, after August 1, there will no longer search appearance filter for rich results. The user will only see the specific rich results that will qualify the site under the search appearance filter.


Are there any ranking changes?

Even Google has made it very clear that there will not be any impact on the rankings or the traffic on the site. All the other things will work in the same way as they worked earlier.


What is coming next?

Google made its point very clear that it will keep adding more rich result types and reporting in the Search Console. If it is removing the generic rich results, it doesn’t mean that it will stop adding the specific rich results. On the contrary, it will keep investing more in the result types to make it convenient for the users, and they will be able to get the source of insights.


Why this change?

This change is being enforced as the users are losing the filter within the Google Search Console performance report. Google wants the results to be super useful for their users. This is the reason Google is taking off this filter and will come up with something new that will provide great convenience to the users.

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