New Modified AdWords Interface from Google for Users

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New Modified AdWords Interface from Google for Users

Google has modified its current AdWords and the features are different enough to warrant some attention. Many advertisers already have their hands on it, and Google says the updated version called New AdWords Experience should be with everyone by the end of the year. Those who have got it can shuttle back and forth between the two versions, and find out which one is working well for them and why.

Let’s check out what features this new UI has:

Target household income in the search-

This is quite a boon for the marketers since they need not send needless mail to thousands. Instead, they can narrow their search down to only those who are within the income bracket that the marketer needs. Search campaigns is available from the Demographics tab. You can see quickly how campaigns are doing by including the household income tab. You can set the adjustments for the bid according to the ad group or the campaign level.

Use extensions for promotions-

The new UI allows you to access the promotions extension. The old beta version too has it, and people who use the beta version can also benefit from it. The beauty of this extensions is that you can show and link some specific section of the page. This makes that portion stand out.

Page for the audience-

You can target the audience and use optimizations from a single place. This was seen at Google Next. People could see this is in the productivity portion in the live stream. The terminology for the new targeting has changed from Target and Bid to Targeting. The Target is now called Observations.

Coming up:

That are for the present, but some additional features are expected within the coming months. These include some of the following:

Custom in-market audiences-

The Search campaigns will include in-market audiences. Users can customize the in-market campaigns to include the features according to the nature of the site the user has and the specific needs that is required for marketing. It will come toward the end of the year.

Performance of the landing page-

This is give the user the insight into how their specific landing pages perform. The screen for this landing page will resemble the keywords and ads pages. The move is aimed at improving the user experience. This could roll out in a couple of months’ time. The advertisers can optimize to improve the ads performance especially for mobile phone use.

Google attribution-

This distinctive feature is integrated into the new interface. Google Marketing Next announced this as the big product at their campaign. Like all the other features, it should be out by the end of the year. This will help many marketers who will get a boost from this.

Uploads of the store sales measurement-

Retailers build customer base through the loyalty programs. They can now import store transactions to help them do this. They can use the AdWords directly or use any third-party app for the purpose.

More changes are expected, but this will keep Google AdWords moving forward. It will take some time for the users to get accustomed to the recent changes.

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