How has Google come up with “Full Coverage” for news?

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How has Google come up with “Full Coverage” for news?

In present times, everyone wants to remain updated at every point in time. So, Google has come up with the Full Coverage feature that was not available previously. Google introduced this feature in Google News in 2018, but it is finally available and implemented after almost three years. If you haven’t tried it yet, you must go and check out how amazing this feature is.


What is meant by Google’s full coverage feature?


This feature uses artificial intelligence so that it can connect to the related stories in real-time. The full coverage means that it will provide the users with the full story from various sources and help them be updated with the single progress in the story. This feature is not available on every news but comes for the story that has been developed over some time. For example, the Covid-19 pandemic has come out to be in the feature of Google Full Coverage News. This feature will surface more sources in search results that will help in driving more traffic on them.


There is no special tool or technique to optimize the news articles. This is purely in the hands of Google, which story is to be given the feature of Full Coverage. Google’s AI helps understand the people, the place, and the things involved to show how they can relate to each news. There are no human editors that are editing the news. Every person can see the full and the same storyline each time they visit there.


How does this feature look like?


Whenever the person is looking for some breaking news, the user will immediately see the View Full Coverage button. ‘Like’ that button, and the screen will display all the top-related information regarding the news. It is just like the advanced feature of Google news that has a long span of life. This feature is available in many mobile search results and spreading more awareness regarding things worldwide in a better way.

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