How Has Google Become Cautious Against The Use Of Too Many Internal Links?

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How Has Google Become Cautious Against The Use Of Too Many Internal Links?

Nowadays so many things can be done on a single link. It is Google that is providing the people with so much information that is used by them in so many ways. Recently Google’s John Mueller has explained that presence of too many internal links on the same page can dilute its value. This topic has been discussed during the Google Search Central SEO hangout recorded on 2nd July 2021.

One of the site owners submitted a question if there is any danger associated with the excessive number of internal links. Usually, this topic comes up often during the hangouts and has an impact on the internal links.

Importance of Internal Links

The internal links play an important role for SEO as these send signals to Google about the pages that are important for the specific website. So, it does not send all the same ranking signals as the external links. Moreover, Google uses internal links for a better understanding of the site structure. Proper communication of the information is done to make things clearer, though the use of many internal links can lead the website into some problems. First of all, Goggle won’t be able to understand the site’s structure. 

So, are internal links good or bad?

Mueller responded to the internal links that it is both good and bad for the structure of the page. There will be a better understanding of the structure of the website that is clearly defined.  The person needs to select the pages that will be linked with the website. Otherwise, it will be like a giant mass of interlinked pages, and it will become difficult to identify the most important one. There might be some difficulty faced by the person to relate so many things altogether. 

Another problem related to too many internal links that it dilutes the value. If the webpage has one internal link, it will be represented as the most important one. If the user is presented with twenty links, the importance of the main page will go down. So, to deal with this problem, the user of the website needs to identify the important link from the lot. Represent the link in such a way that it will add value and add more to the opportunities. If the search engines become pretty clear and direct, it will be a lot easier to understand the people and what they are looking for. 

As per the advice of Mueller, site owners should aim to have structure to internal links that will resemble their site structures.

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