Guide On How To Optimize Your SEO For Voice Search

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Guide On How To Optimize Your SEO For Voice Search

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is the procedure of optimizing your website to acquire organic and high traffic from the search engine results page. SEO will definitely make certain changes to your site and provide relevant content to make the site more attractive and eye-catching to a search engine.

What next in SEO?

SEO will make your brand or product visible to your audience. As in general the things come under SEO are a content strategy, keyword research, backlink profile, and domain authority. But these are outdated why because it is widespread among business owners.  As an SEO developer it is prominent to know at present update of SEO for voice search.

The voice search permits users to browse the net and get more information without scrolling down via websites on mobiles and desktop devices. This is a new technology which is a key success to brands in the future. Voice search is performed with own voice for a virtual assistant. Anyone can purchase things online, perform searches and set reminders for you as well. Voice search is one of the latest technologies to arrive out in 21st century so far. By 2020 more than 50 percent of online searches will be performed by only voice search. This is one of the ample reasons for digital marketer to think about current update. The remaining online searchers find results by using their voices as soon as possible. Users will definitely like the convenience of interrelating with internet by using their voices so you must optimize your SEO for voice search.

How to optimize your SEO for voice search?

If you decided to optimize your SEO for voice search then you have to consider below-mentioned tips:

  • Featured Snippets

Voice queries can be replied directly with a featured snippet. The Google assistant tries to do whenever it is possible to the user. Are you confused how to be the featured snippet for a voice search? First the featured snippets are not dragged from the position one. If you want to become a featured snippet, your SEO content must be optimized to reply specific questions. The features snippets must related to specific topics such as heath, DIY projects and recipes. To make content ideas for answering specific user queries you can make use of SEMrush’s research tool or Public tool.

The paragraph must be below 50 words and make the sentence short. Also you need to optimize the paragraph with your targeted keyword. Make your content easy readable and understand.

  • Optimize your content

Then you have to optimize your content for voice search. Content is very essential for SEO. It is also the best idea to keep your sentence short with vocabulary. People will use voice search every day so go far only reliable and easily readable content. You can make use of the tools to find out what questions people are asking to website.

  • Must be perfect your mobile friendliness

You have to make your website as mobile-friendly. If you are lacking to make your SEO mobile friendliness first you need to ensure your website responsive. Then compress your files, use web cache, optimize your images and minify your code. This will ensure mobile users to stay with you whenever they pick a voice search result.

  • Focus on SEO

At last, you have to optimize your pages for local SEO. It is because more than 22 percent of voice searches are related to local business.

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