Google Soon to Launch ‘Package Tracking Feature’

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Google Soon to Launch ‘Package Tracking Feature’

Google search currently displays health information, sports scores, weather forecasts, translations, song lyrics, and word definitions. Soon, the current status of your package could be tracked by the new tracking feature by Google through the search query box of Google. Package tracking will be brought into search results. Before this advancement, if you want to check the current status of your package, you need to go to the concerned carrier website to get updated on the information. The search engine was also checked for accessing this information. Now, Google is integrating the package tracking information into the search results.

Traffic Diverted from Carrier Websites

Inclusion in Google’s tracking program is voluntary for the carrier websites. But, by accepting the offer, a large amount of traffic can be diverted. Customers will not need to look for the concerned websites for tracking their package. Shipping companies need only to sign up with Google to display their tracking information. At present, shipping companies need to sign up for “Early adopters program” for participating in the feature and providing feedback. This is available to all the countries, and the main eligibility is the company applying must be a package delivery company. Small delivery companies will compete with bigger players in this way.

In this way, there will be a win-win situation for all. Packages can be tracked quickly for customers, an extra channel for companies for customer service, and of course, for Google – it will be one step closer to becoming the only website you need in your daily chores.

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