Associations” – The Brand-new Feature Addedin Google Search

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Associations” – The Brand-new Feature Addedin Google Search

Whether the company is small or big, they need to make continuous changes in their working so that the whole process can be improvised. Google did the same thing, as it has launched a new feature in the Search Console, i.e., “associations”. This helps the user to connect to all the Google accounts like YouTube, android apps, etc.

What do associations mean?

Google explained that it is a connection between the search console property and another property that is into the services of Google. For example, the things you have searched on the Google search will reflect on the YouTube channel, Google analytics account, etc.

How is this feature different from domain properties?

A year back, domain properties replaced the property sets. The domain property was a very efficient way to verify your domain of the website. In the search console, your data is seen as www vs. non-www, android app, and many more without going to the individual property again and again.

Which accounts can be associated with this?

The list of accounts that can be associated are-

  • Google Ads: In this, it will view the paid and organic report.
  • Chrome Web Store: In this, the user can publish apps and its extension in Chrome on his site’s behalf.
  • Google Analytics Property: The user can search console data like their genuine search queries in the Google analytical properties. It is an advanced way to get better coverage and more organic results of the search.
  • YouTube channel: This feature will easily link the videos with the associate website.

Why is it important?

Providing the users with this feature is important as it helps in unlocking more functionality for the website. This is one of the efficient ways to see and manage the organic performance of the google ad account or any other performance account. These features of associations provide a better and wider view of the data across all the Google services. These little changes can make a lot of difference in the overall working of the user. As we all know that Google provides a lot of facilities that have made our life easier, so they have to think about more ways out that will help make things more efficient. It is their services that are being used all over the world for a pretty long time.

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