Adding Value to Your Business Website Amidst COVID-19

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Adding Value to Your Business Website Amidst COVID-19

Almost every business owner is having a tough time during the lockdown, which is the result of the pandemic Covid-19. No doubt this is an exceedingly difficult time, but as the popular saying goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining,” these tough times can be considered as possibilities or small opportunities. Various businesses can utilize these for implementing certain strategies or ideas that you may have been thinking but may not have been able to implement due to time or other reasons.

Even though you cannot go out and do work but work from home is still a possibility. The internet has made it possible to carry out a lot of work by sitting in your house. Remote work is here to stay, lockdown, or no lockdown because of the availability of various tools such as Zoom and various other video conferencing apps, etc. Not only have these helped to make the work safer in these trying times, but they have also resulted in reducing the cost of operations, improvement of productivity, and fostering partnerships across the globe.

You can do a plethora of things to make most of your business website in these times of lockdown. Some of those are explained in the following section.

  • Focus on Google Analytics Report

You can utilize this time and review your Google analytic report to find out from where the majority of customers are coming from, what are the different devices from which your website are browsed, what is the geographic location of different customers browsing your website, etc.

  • Review Your Google My Business Listing

You can review and check your listing on Google My Business to see that your information is accurate. You should check information such as contact numbers, address, working hours, etc. If you have uploaded your location via Google maps, then check whether the navigation guides the customers accurately to your location.

  • Contact Customers

Customer is the biggest asset of any organization. You can utilize this time to contact and connect with your customers. You can do so using social media. This will be effective, especially in this tough time, when showing empathy and helping someone is most important. By showing care, your brand will be able to stand out than the rest.

  • Review the Websites of your Competitors

There is an opportunity to learn everywhere and from everything. Looking at the website of your competitors may help you to know and find new or different things. You never know where you can get inspiration.

  • Blogging

Start a blog, or if you already have one, it is time to update the same with freshly brewed content as this is high time to do the same. Write about your business, how you started, share your thoughts and vision, and some of the “behind-the-scenes” truths. This will engage the readers. You can share through social media, optimize them, and boost your visibility.

  • Make Video Content

Video content is a hot trend these days, and if you are not making a video promoting your products and service, then you are missing a very great opportunity. So, now is the time to start doing the same. What you can start is with sharing knowledge with your customers, some information that is relevant and can help to improve their lives. This way, you can maintain connection with your customers and also attract new in the process by hosting the videos on YouTube or Vimeo.

So, the times are tough, but we should not lose hope and should stray strong. There is not much we can directly to make things right, but what we can do is utilize the time we have most productively.

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